The Rehoboth Police Department with the assistance of Safe Kids Worldwide will be providing free car seat safety inspections and installations on Saturday, July 22nd from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Dunkin Donuts Plaza on Rt.44 (227 Winthrop St.) Trained technicians will check to make sure car seats are installed properly, are the appropriate size for the child, as well as check for any recalled seats. There are also FREE car seats available for those that are in financial need.
The Rehoboth Police Department was recently awarded a Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Equipment Grant that has been used to purchase child safety seats for free distribution to local parents and caregivers in need. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Highway Safety Division awarded CPS Equipment grants totaling $165,000 to 61 municipal police and fire departments, regional non-profit agencies, and hospitals. The Rehoboth Police Department is one of over 150 free child safety seat inspection sites in Massachusetts, with certified technicians available to ensure children’s seats are installed correctly.
Nationwide, traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for children aged 3-14. Properly installed child safety seats have been proven to reduce the risk of death and injury in crashes, yet AAA estimates that 75% of child passenger safety equipment is installed incorrectly. “With this grant, we can better serve families who find it difficult to afford child safety and booster seats to protect their children in the event of a crash, said Sgt. Richard Shailor of the Rehoboth Police Department. We can also assist parents and caregivers with the proper installation of their child’s seats through our Check-Up and Fitting Station program.
If you are unable to make it to the inspection station on July 22nd, you can call the Rehoboth Police Department at 508-252-3722 and make an appointment with Officer Craig Warish for another day.