Patrolman Timothy J. Bartucca is hereby commended for his actions while off-duty in the City of North Attleboro, Massachusetts which resulted in the apprehension of a male suspect responsible for a Break, Enter and Larceny at a local business establishment.
Facts: On April 4, 2011 at 6:20 p.m. Patrolman Timothy J. Bartucca was off-duty and in his personal vehicle traveling south on Kelley Blvd (Rte 152) in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. As Officer Bartucca neared the Speedy Oil Company, he heard an alarm bell ringing and saw that a North Attleboro Police cruiser was outside that business with its cruiser door open. Officer Bartucca alertly looked around and saw a uniformed North Attleboro police officer chasing a suspect on foot from the business. Officer Bartucca quickly exited from his personal vehicle holding up his badge and identifying himself as a police officer. The North Attleboro police officer requested his assistance in stopping the suspect. Officer Bartucca then gave chase to the suspect on foot across Kelley Blvd and eventually caught up to him, taking the suspect to the ground and holding him until the North Attleboro police officer arrived on the scene. The suspect had a black facial mask, black gloves and a bag of coins which he had stolen from the closed Speedy Oil Company. Further investigation revealed that the suspect had just broken into the closed business by smashing a window, stealing the money and fleeing the scene.
Officer Bartucca’s swift and professional actions on the evening of April 4, 2011 resulted in the arrest of this suspect who was later charged with Breaking and Entering in the Daytime for Felony, Possession of Burglarious Instrument, Defacing/ Vandalizing Property, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace. Officer Bartucca’s actions are indicative of the level of character, training and experience which this officer possesses and is indicative of the caliber of personnel employed by the Rehoboth Police Department. My sincere congratulations to Officer Timothy J. Bartucca for a job well done.